Lisa is a Dutch ceramicist who
currently lives in Amsterdam.
She became interested in clay
a few years ago when she took
a workshop at a local art center.
What I like most about Lisa's
art, and I find we are like-
minded about this, is her desire
to focus on texture and how
viewers respond to the texture.
"For me, texture is a thing to
experience, not only by looking
at it but also by touching it.
Personally, I love running my
fingers over bumps and ridges
and other kinds of textures. And
it's very important to me that
my work creates that same
feeling of wanting to touch it."
Lisa's inspiration comes from
"all the beautiful shapes,
textures and colors nature
has to offer; in particular,
corals, fungi and seed pods.
Also, feathers, skin textures,
frost and plants. Besides
nature, I find inspiration in
fairytales, ornamental
patterns and beautiful objects
made by other artists from
I am fascinated with the detailed work Lisa puts into her clay pieces. I want to learn more regarding how she successfully attaches each of the little pieces to the main surface, how she goes about incorporating the colors, as well as how long one piece takes for her to make.